Changemaker Challenge
On 25th November, the International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women to support the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence by UN Women, BeWitness is launching the Changemaker Challenge, to encourage the opportunities for individuals to create Impact by creating Safety Awareness in their Society to make the World a safer place for Women, Children & Elderly.
You can join this Noble Cause to create Impact in your Society.

Changemaker Challenge aims to create awareness among the public to bravely raise their voice against the inequalities they encounter in their daily lives, that affects their physical and mental health, to inspire them to become more socially responsible, and alongside civilize the elderly about modern technology, and the future generation to utilize them wisely. BeWitness is certain that every measure taken on its mission renders prominent opportunities for all to create a Safe Society. There are 4 levels in this Changemaker Challenge, you can enter into any level and keep moving to become a Changemaker.
Important Dates
Event: Changemaker Challenge
Starts: 25th Nov 2022
Ends: 31st Dec 2022
Result Announcement: Jan 2023
Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Awareness Creator
Level 4


People Impacted

People Impacted

People Impacted

People Impacted
Level 1


People Impacted
Level 2


People Impacted
Level 3

Awareness Creator

People Impacted
Level 4


People Impacted
What will you get?
- Cash Prizes will be awarded to the top 2 participant to appreciate their efforts.
- All Qualified Participants of the Challenge will be featured on the official website of BeWitness.
- A Certificate of Commitment will be awarded to qualified participants based on the levels.
Note: Participants who complete both Step 1 & Step 2 will be eligible for the Evaluation Process.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
What you have to do? (Complete Step 1 & Step 2)
Step 1
- Participants should enter their Name, E-mail ID or Mobile Number.
- “Changemaker Code” will be sent either to the E-mail ID or Mobile number within 24 hours.
- The participants have to create awareness in their area, and share the changemaker code to the people who has to install BeWitness Mobile App from the Google Playstore and enter the Code upon agreeing to Terms & Condition. This step is required for us to calculate the Impact Created Score.
How will your Impacts be Calculated?
Suppose you have created an Impact for 10 people, and one of them registers for a Changemaker Challenge, he / she will get a new code, if he / she uses his / her code to impact 10 other people, half of his / her impact score i.e., 5 will be added to you. Hence your impact score will be 15 and his / her score will be 10.

Step 2
Participants are required to
- Enter the Changemaker Code received to your Email ID or Mobile Number by completing Step 1.
- Describe the Awareness Message shared to your friends and neighbors on or before 31st December 2022.

For any queries email to [email protected]

Evaluation Process
- Criteria for Accomplishment: Participants should have made the relevant impacts in order to qualified for the respective levels. Participants have to complete both step 1 & 2 to become eligible for Changemaker Challenge. Only Eligible participants will be considered for evaluation.
- Criteria for Evaluation: Evaluation will be based on the Number of Impacts made and Awareness Message the participants have given in the time period on or before 31st December 2022. The number of impacts will be calculated after the participant [A] has impacted others with the Changemaker Code received. If an individual [B] impacted by the participant [A] registers for a changemaker challenge, and he in turn creates an impact among others, half of his [B’s] impacted people score will be added to the participant [A]. However, the impacted score of the participant [B] will remain the same.
- Result Declaration: The Results will be announced in the First week of January, 2023.
- Certificate Issuance: E-certificates will be sent to the Email Id or Mobile Number provided.
- Important Dates: Only the impacts made on or before 31st December 2022 will be taken into account.
- Participants who engage themselves in any form of false installations or malpractice will result in disqualification from the Challenge.
- For any dispute redressal, the BeWitness team decision will be the final verdict on the matter.
- It is mandatory that participants submit either their Email-ID or Mobile Number. Once the result is announced, all data shared will be removed and we do not store any of your data for future references.
BeWitness through this Changemaker Event Proudly Supports

Let's Make the World a Safe Place